Overwhelmed to On-Purpose

Master your state of being

and change your reality

with Elisa Lord

This is a space for the woman who does it all and wants to be all of who she can be.

An experience to bring you from a constant existence in overwhelm to feeling in control and on-purpose.

I see you - spinning all the plates, looking like she’s in full control, appearing graceful as another plate is added to your routine. Deep inside, it’s starting to bubble over - is this the plate that is going to send everything crashing down?

You’re so used to the juggle

- the morning routines, looking after your family, school pick ups, drop offs, career, relationships, social life, self-care.

You’re doing it all and making time for yourself. You’re on the treadmill of life - it’s at a speed that is comfortable and keeps your heart rate up. You’re doing it, seemingly making it.

Yet, you feel constantly on edge. The treadmill feels more like a hamster wheel - it keeps turning and one misstep and you might fall flat on your face. That can’t happen. You must keep the momentum going - can’t slow down, can’t speed up.

At times you wonder if it was better to have it all crash and you have to start over. Would you do it differently? Would you set different standards for yourself? Would you expect differently of yourself? Of others?

Every now and again, the overwhelm gets to you.

You feel angry, disappointed, under-appreciated - that no-one understands how hard you work and how much you do.

Annoyed that no one offers to take the burden off you for just one day so you can breathe.

The dust settles eventually, you pick up the mantle again and go back to business as usual.

Until the next overwhelm gets you again - it’s only a matter of time.

It’s a vicious cycle.

What if I told you that it doesn’t have to be this way?

What if I told you that the overwhelm, the juggling, the struggling - doesn’t have to be the endless cycle that is your life?

That freedom and control is available to you, to live life on purpose and with intention, to create the life that you no longer need to wait for the weekend to escape from.

We’re going to de-program some of the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a loop of busy and overwhelmed.

We’re going to future pace into what you want your life to feel like.

We’re going to create a pathway to get you to your goals

We’re going to equip you with tools to help you stay on track and get to where you want to go.


A$ 288

What’s Included:

4 weeks 29 April - 24 May 2024

  • 4 x 60-90 minute session via Zoom. Replays available.
  • Group chat support
  • BONUS meditations & hypnosis recordings
  • Lifetime access to recordings

Hi, I’m Elisa.

Mindset & empowerment coach,

NLP Practitioner

Emotional Change Technique Practitioner

Hypnotherapy Practitioner

I help women free themselves from the hamster wheel of expectations, limiting beliefs and pressure, to live the life that they never want to escape from.

I’m a mother and a wife living and building the life of my dream. I did the work and I continue to do the work from the inside out. I want to show you how you can do it too.

You can connect with me on Instagram and explore different ways to work with me here.